Force Display Of Base Country Order Addresses - WooCommerce

force display of base country order addresses - woocommerce

Force Display Of Base Country Order Addresses - WooCommerce

It seems in recent versions of WooCommerce that the base country does not show on the order screens. How to force display of base country in order?

Ex. we have 2 orders, one being from Australia and one from the United States. In the WooCommerce –> Orders screen the Australian order doesn’t say Australia at the end of the order billing and shipping addresses (because our base location is Australia). The international orders do show the country though.

How can that be fixed so that the base country is being shown in the formatted addresses still?

Looking through the code it looks like this is intended functionality to reduce the clutter in the admin screen. Here’s a little snippet so you can override that functionality.

Filter :-

add_filter(  'woocommerce_formatted_address_force_country_display', '__return_true' );

NB: This only works in the bleeding edge version of WooCommerce – it should be included in 2.0.14

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